Tuesday 12th January


Watch the following Maths video – Counting Squares.


Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.

Worksheet available as a pdf below and in portfolios.


Today we are reading chapter 5 together on Zoom.  We will also discuss the task where the focus will be on the writer’s use of language.  You need to explain what the phrases mean, and how they add to the story.


Unfortunately, today is one of those lessons where you really need to use your iPad – or any device such as a tablet or computer.  If you do not have access, your iPad is waiting at school for you. 

We are going to use Pages (or Word if you are using anything other than an iPad) to present your work as an actual pamphlet.  Looking at how to organise your writing and adding images to make your work come to life.

If you are unsure how to do this, there will be a Zoom drop in whereby you can ask questions and receive help.

If you can’t access technology, don’t worry, you will need to re-write your work, with your best handwriting and add your own illustrations!  Actually, that sounds quite fun!


Day and Night

Complete your science knowledge recap like we do at the beginning of each Science lesson.

Now watch the video here to learn all about day and night. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-is-the-difference-between-night-and-day-60wp2c?step=2&activity=video

On your dojo portfolio there is a task sheet where I would like you to explain day and night to me using all the words in the circle.