Phonics – Live Zoom @ 9:15am

Today we will be looking at contractions – words shortened using an apostrophe to show which letters are omitted.

We will work through the activities and complete them together on Zoom.


Today you are planning your information text.

The planning format is the same template as you used last week, with different subheadings. You can complete this using your knowledge from our Geography lessons or you could do some more research at home to find out even more information!

Maths – Live Zoom @ 10:50am

Today we are learning about the 2x tables.

We will be using arrays and pictures to help us work out the mulitplication number sentences.

We will work through the activities together during our Zoom lesson.


This afternoon’s lesson is focussed on Allah. Allah is ‘God’ in Islam culture.

Look at the powerpoint which talks all about what Muslims believe to be the truth about Allah.

Is there anyone you hold similar beliefs about? Who do you believe created all of these things?

Answer the questions to describe Muslim’s beliefs about Allah.

You could also colour in some of Allah’s creations.

I will post the Powerpoint on Dojo to help you.

Have a lovely day!