Today we will be reading the tenth chapter of ‘A Long Walk to Water’. We will be focusing on answering retrieval questions, which you can find below.
- Where is the spot in Nya’s village that visitors said the water would be found?
- Why is Nya so confused about the visitors?
- What was the first evidence of the desert receding?
- Who were the men who approached Salva’s group? How does Salva know who they are?
- Salva thought it was a “good thing to be the youngest and smallest.”Why did Salva think this?
- What was the last thing the men did before running away?
Retrieval questions are where you look for the answer in the text you are reading. You can choose to read Chapter 10 on your own or listen to Miss Robson reading it here.
You can read Chapter 10 here:
Today you are going to be writing the second paragraph for your persuasive piece. Remember to use your plan for support, you can also use the example to help you, feel free to use sentences/ phrases that you like and that fit with your piece. You must state your three points and add detail and reasoning for them. Try to add as many of the language features as you can.
Remember to upload your second paragraph to your portfolio so that I can support you with completing corrections.
Today we will be carrying on our learning working with equivalent fractions, click here to watch the video . Remember to follow along with the video for support.
For an added challenge have a go at the true or false question, remember when you answer to explain your reasoning.
Today in French we are going to be learning Zoo animals. Take a look at this video and follow along, try to pronounce the animals. Watch the video as many times as you like, the key with learning French is to keep practicing.
Have a go at matching up the animals in French to the English. For an added challenge can you combine your knowledge of colours and create a sentence. For example; Le crocodile vert
Last week we looked at following a dance routine, this week you will be working on choreographing your own. Here are some basic steps that you can follow to create a dance, can you think of any of your own moves? Remember to get as many people in your house to join in and upload it in your portfolio.