Today, we will be reading Scroll III. Read through the chapter carefully.
Download a copy here.
You can also listen to me reading it to you here.
Your task today is to make a prediction about what will happen in the next chapter.Remember that predictions must be based on clues from the text and can be about a character or an event that might happen next.
Complete the sentences below.
I predict that_________________________________________________________________
Today in writing we are going to be editing and correcting our main paragraph. Editing is a really valuable skill that all good writers use, it’s important to go back and look at what we really like in our writing and what we could improve upon. Use my feedback on your work to support your editing and the objective check list. I find that it helps to type out your work when you are editing, or miss a line between written lines and use a different coloured pen to write in your corrections.
Today we are going to be looking at calculating fractions of a quantity. Be sure to watch the video here.
Today we will be learning about the importance of the Last Supper to Christians. We will be reading the story of the Last Supper and deciding which artist’s representation you think represents the story best and why you think that. After that, draw your own interpretation of The Last Supper.There will be a Zoom link posted on DOJO.
You can see the PowerPoint here.
Check out the video and have a go at some of the activities. See how many time you can throw and catch a ball against a wall see if you can increase the distance between you and the wall and the number of times you can catch it.