Following the governments announcement, all primary school children will return to school on Monday 8th March. The tasks below are set for children who are unable to attend school and who are isolating.
There is no expectation for children who are unwell to complete these activities.
This is our timetable for the week summer term 2:

All tasks are uploaded daily to Portfolios on Class Dojo. Worksheets can be written on, drawn on or typed on directly onto portfolios. There is no expectation to print tasks.
Please upload your work to your portfolio each day.
Miss Connors will host a zoom each day at 1pm. The purpose of the zoom is to discuss work and revisit any tricky tasks. Miss Connors will not be delivering instructions or setting the tasks on the zoom call. If your child is unable to attend the zoom, they will still be able to complete the work using Class Dojo and our home learning page.
You can use the buttons to direct you to your work each day.
Week commencing 21.06.2021:
Week commencing 28.06.2021: