Hemlington Hall Academy are proud to announce the upcoming production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘School of Rock’!
Calling all KS2 children (Year 3 – Year 6) who would like to be apart of our Performing Stars Afterschool Club.
This club will take place on Monday afterschool, starting straight after school until 4:15pm in the KS2 hall. This club will start on Monday 19th September.
Performance dates have already been set:
Wednesday 15th February 2023
Thursday 16th February 2023
Please submit your child’s details to give consent for your child to attend. It is important that your child attends each session in order to progress and learn the script (of course that excludes illness).
We are beyond excited!
Oh…..who is going to be our Dewy Finn?
Hemlington, we are not going to be hardcore unless we live hardcore!
Mrs Knox and the Team.
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