Watch the following Maths video – Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit
Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.
Worksheet available as a pdf on ClassDojo and in portfolios.
Join us on Zoom to read Chapter 9 – Mr Fogg misses the boat! Oh no, that doesn’t sound good. I hope you are making a prediction based on the title before reading.
Hopefully you can all join in as we discuss what the best summary is to match the text as closely as possible. Remember that summaries shouldn’t rely on using our inference skills.
Your task is then to write your own summary of the rest of page 49.
Independent writing as you begin to write your diary. You can also have a look at the diary example written for you as an example on the website. Remember, it’s to help you, not to copy! You shouldn’t finish your writing in this session.
Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago
Watch the video link to hear another Sikh story.
Now answer the questions on the worksheet on your portfolio.