Miss Solomon, Miss Norlund, Miss Moore, Mrs Laden, Mrs Stephenson, Mrs Osborne & Mrs Scott
KS1 is a very exciting place to be! There are lots of exciting topics to capture the children’s interest and to help them develop a lifelong love of learning.
Please click the link below for detailed overviews of the curriculum topics that will be covered.
Key Phonics Information
At HHA we prioritise the teaching of early reading and follow Little Wandle Phonics Scheme. This scheme ensures effective, consistent teaching of early reading for every child.
These links will provide further information about where your child’s reading journey and how to support them.
Year 1 information
All children in Year 1 will continue their Phonics reading journey from Reception. Children access their whole class Phonics lesson and will complete regular assessments to identify any further support they need. The links below provide information about the content they will learn during their time in Year 1 and the statutory check they will complete in June 2025.
Year 2 Phonics
Children will continue their Phonics journey within Year 2 throughout the Autumn term. Beyond the Autumn term, many children will be secure and will have completed their Phonics learning.
Where children still have gaps and are not yet applying their Phonics skills confidently when reading, they will access the Rapid Catch Up program. This provides additional daily support to fill these gaps and catch them up within their learning as quickly and effectively as possible.