Mrs Laden, Miss Solomon, Miss Moore, Mrs Scott, Mrs Osborne.

There is an exciting year ahead for your child in Year 2.

The children in Year 2 will be experiencing an exciting and stimulating curriculum. Our ultimate aim is to develop the historians, artists, scientists, geographers, writers, mathematicians and designers in our school and inspire them to become life-long learners.



London’s Burning

During the Autumn Term, we travel back in time and learn about an important historical event, ‘The Great Fire of London’.  Children study the History of the fire and how it spread, looking at key individuals such as Thomas Farynor and the role they played in helping us find out the key information we discuss today. We reflect on changes made after the fire and how they impact on safety in the modern world. Children get creative, making Pudding Lane through designing, creating and evaluating their very own 1666 style house… which may unfortunately be caught up in our very own Great Fire of Hemlington!



In the Spring term, we start by focusing on a non-European country, Kenya. We discover the geographical features of this country and study Africa as a continent. We compare different aspects of this country to the place in which we live, looking carefully at their climate, landscape and quality of life. We use our artistic talents to create vibrant, colour washed backgrounds complete with African animal drawings. In Science we consider humans as animals and look at the different ways in which our body changes as we grow. We take part in many different experiments to develop an understanding of how we can keep our bodies healthy. In the later part of this term, we begin studying a famous British explorer born in our locality! We visit his birthplace museum to find out all about his early life as a young boy in Marton.

Captain James Cook

This term we continue to study Captain James Cook and begin to delve deeper into his life as an explorer. We become explorers ourselves as we climb aboard the HMS Trincomalee, the oldest floating frigate in all the land! We learn all about Captain Cook’s ships and consider what life was like on board. Children use their design skills to recreate the Endeavour, Navigation or the Explorer using a wide range of different materials. During this term we study Islam as a religion and consider how a place of worship can promote a feeling of belonging. We visit a local Mosque to help us develop our understanding of the world around us. During our last half term in Year 2, we take our learning outdoors and explore our wonderful school grounds. We develop our map skills and collect a range of different data about the wildlife we can find all around us!

The Curriculum

PHSE is taught and modelled throughout the year, with online safety at the forefront of our minds. 

Check out our creative curriculum plans to see the full extent of our curriculum.

Autumn 1 London’s Burning

Autumn 2 Parliament

Spring 1 Kenya

Spring 2 & Summer 1 Rolling Over the Ocean

Summer 2 Wildlife Garden

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children not matter what their needs are can access it.

Useful links to help your child with at home.