Watch the following Maths video – Divide 3-digits by 1 –digit
Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.
Worksheet available as a pdf on Class Dojo and in portfolios.
Read Chapter 15 An attack by Indians with us on Zoom at 10:30am. Today we will be comparing what happens in this chapter, with what happened in Goodnight Mr Tom.
Your letter should be finished, and you should have received feedback, either verbal or on your portfolio. If you haven’t already, you need to edit your letter first.
Next, it’s time to change the audience again. Instead of Passepartout writing a letter to his family, he will be writing to the police department. So, take one paragraph of your letter, and think about how you can change it.
Instead of saying something like, ‘…and would you believe it, that strange fellow Fix turned up yet again, we literally couldn’t shake him…’
You might write: Unbelievably, the odd figure trailing my master half way across the world, was still following us.
If you have access to a thesaurus, either a paper copy or an online version, please use it!
Land use. Look through the powerpoint and make a list of ways in which land is used in the UK.
Watch the video about the High Speed train. Write the reasons for and against the HS2.