
Reviewing spelling rule:

/c/ makes /s/ following /i/ /e/ or /y/

We sometimes call this the ‘soft c’

Practise applying this rule on using the spelling frame activites.

*Spelling rule 4*


Here is the video so you can re-read/watch the story.

Today you are thinking about conversations between Charles and Smudge again, using the questions you created yesterday.

You are going to write in the first person, as though you are Charles.

You may write something like this…

I was so happy when I spotted someone else playing in the park, even though it was a girl. I rushed over and asked what her name was. She said her name was Smudge. We ran around the whole park and had so much fun. I showed Smudge how to climb trees and she went so fast down the slide I was shocked! We didn’t get to play for long before I heard mum shouting my name. Smudge looked sad when I had to leave. I told her I hope we could meet at the park again and she looked back at me with a huge smile. I had a brilliant time and I think Victoria enjoyed it too!


Today you are learning how to find a third.

Work through the video to support you with your worksheet.

You could use have a look around your house to see if you can spot anything that is split into thirds.


Read the short story which is 3 pages long. Complete the questions which have 1* 2* or 3* at the bottom of the page. Choose your difficulty carefully. You can complete all 3 sets of questions for a super challenge!


Today you are writing a local route using compass directions.

Attached is a map of Hemlington lake. One map also includes the detail of the route we take when we walk around the lake, starting from school. Use the route to write your own directions for the walk.

Have a lovely day! We can’t wait to see your great work 🙂