
Watch the following Maths video – Compare and Order Fractions Greater Than 1

Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.

Worksheet available as a pdf on Class Dojo in portfolios.


There is no actual reading today, instead we will zoom to discuss how the poems and stories today compare and contrast.  If you look at the task either on the website or on your portfolio, you will see the word ‘heroism’, you would then think about anything you have read this week where a character has been heroic and write it down.  You might need to go back and reread the poems covered so that you copy the text direct.  You should make sure you continue to build up the evidence of the different poems, comparing if possible.   You then chose two further categories.  You might choose: God-like, historical, mythical, quests…   The choice is yours.


There will be an extra drop in Zoom today at 11.30 again.  Today, we are aiming to get two marks in the backs of our books, one reading mark and one writing mark.  The task is to read out your poem to an audience paying close attention to tone and intonation.  Read slowly, pay close attention to where you have used punctuation, and make sure you read clearly. 


Healthy Me – Smoking

Complete the Kahoot quiz about smoking. Did any of the answers surprise you? Write down 3 things you have learnt about smoking.